Sunday 31 August 2014

640-692: Supporting Cisco routing and Switching Network Devices

Supporting Cisco routing and Switching Network Devices exam is designed to cover for the routing and switching the CCT. The exam is for all those professionals that perform certain duties which are directly or indirectly related to it. The exam is the main compulsory part which the applicants have to clear to get certified. This process becomes easier when the applicants start understanding and learning about the topics given, along with that, experience and training should be attained so that the product can function properly.

640-692: Supporting Cisco routing and Switching Network Devices consists of the following topics given in details:
Twenty seven percent is covered by Identify Cisco Equipment and Related Hardware which include the interfaces on Cisco equipment that are Catalyst 6500, 4500, 3560, 3750 and 2975 & 2960 Series switches and Cisco 2800, 2900, 3800, 3900, 7200, 7300, 7600 Series and Integrated Service routers, the cabling on Cisco equipment, Cisco products by logo marking and model number, the serial number of Cisco products, the commonly used components, the hardware memory common terms and use in Cisco routers and switches.

Twenty seven percent of the 640-692: Supporting Cisco routing and Switching Network Devices exam is covered by Describe Cisco IOS Software Operation where the applicants learn about the different operating modes for Cisco CatOS / IOS Software, the different operating modes listed and current mode of the device, a configuration file from / to a router or switch, the basic Cisco IOS Software commands, the configuration register parameter configuration file from a Cisco device, software upgrade or downgrade including TFTP, xmodem, tftpdnld, flash memory, memory card reader and password recovery on a Cisco device.

Twenty seven percent is covered by the third topic which is General Networking Knowledge in which the applicants include the basic functionality and key differences hardware: LAN switch, router, modem, and Wireless, Layer 2 technologies which are Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Serial, ATM, ISDN, DSL, Optical, and many more. The topic also provides information on what FTP does, what TFTP does, CSU/DSU loop back processes, Telco termination point, what Telnet and SSH does, what ping does, OSI and TCP/IP models protocols data flows in a network and common network problems at Layers 1 and 2.

 Twenty three percent is covered by the 640-692: Supporting Cisco routing and Switching Network Devices topic called Service-related Knowledge in which the applicant learns about Terminal Emulation, the Window command prompt, networks settings for Ethernet port on laptop, Ethernet ports on Cisco equipment, physical connection from laptop to Cisco console port, physical Ethernet connection from laptop to Cisco device, Ethernet port using correct cable, modem to connect to Cisco console port and phone line, the correct DIP switch settings on the modem, the different loop-back plugs, null modem cable and application, TFTP server and hardware tools.

640-692: Supporting Cisco routing and Switching Network Devices exam is taken in a time period of ninety minutes in which the applicants have to answer sixty to seventy questions approximately. The exam is very important for those people who want to gain knowledge on routing and switching of Cisco product and earn the certification.

Our suggested and selected Questions and Authentic Answers to all major Exams meets the exact exam questions and answers regarding 640-692 Certification Exam and 640-792 Study Material.

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